sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

women´s day

On Day 8 March 1857, workers of a textile factory, located at North American city of New York, made ​​a great strike. Occupied the factory and began to demand better working conditions, such as reducing the daily workload for ten hours (the factories required 16 hours of daily work), equalization of wages with men (women came to receive up to one-third the salary of a man to perform the same type of work) and decent treatment in the workplace.

The demonstration was suppressed with total violence. The women were locked inside the factory, which was burned. About 130 weavers died charred in a totally inhumane act.

However, only in 1910, during a conference in Denmark, it was decided that March 8 would be the "International Women's Day" in honor of the women who died in the factory in 1857. But only in 1975, through a decree, the date was made official by the UN (United Nations).

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